
A Little Improv to Pass The Time


We all have those moments that we share with our friends and family. It is those moments that we cherish and can never forget. Life can be good when you make the most of it and create the special memories that will stay captured for a lifetime. It doesn’t always have to be elaborate either. It can be something as simple as doing chores or fixing things together around the house. Maybe you can paint the bedroom together or do some do-it-yourself plumbing upgrades without calling a plumber to do the work for you.

We can sometimes take for granted the time we share with those we love. Everything can be taken away in a heartbeat and we are never prepared for it. So please check out this entertaining game that you will enjoy with your family and never forget the memories you captured.

Chris Farley

Chris Farley The Improv King!

FarleyWe all love comedians they entertain us and bring so much joy and laughter to our life. Behind all the joy there may lay some history of trials and tribulations. It is a hard world out there and most of us cannot handle it, but imagine living this life as a celebrity.

We see them on our TV screens and under the Hollywood microscope. Yes they do their job by entertaining us but sometimes the demands of entertainment can take a toll on the best of them. Let’s focus on this particular issue and how the “improv” king Chris Farley was made a star.

Matt Catanzano

Matt Catanzano a Teacher of Improv


Everything we do has purpose behind it and if work hard enough your dreams will come true. It may never happen as smoothly as you thought. If you do fail along the way you will learn how to pick up the pieces and keep moving forward. Everyone has a dream that they are chasing and some of us are still trying to figure it out.

Whether you are a taxi driver, experienced painting contractors St Catharines ON or pretty much anything in between, as long as you continue to put in the hard work and dedication your dream will become a reality. Matt Catanzano is the perfect example to use as inspiration for all fellow Actors and Actresses across the world. Clean up your act and you can be a Improv Star as well!


What Is Improv?

unscriptedWhat comes to your mind when you think of acting in the moment? Does a specific word, show or phrase pop into your head? Life is how we make it and sometimes we use our acting skills to get what we want. To actors and actresses in the world they use this special skill called improvisation,  known as “improv”.

Most actors and actresses have started out in this type of theatrical world. Some of them still work in this field and have entertained many of us around the world. They are so good at it that they’ve earned the right to ride around in the best limo service in Fayetteville NC not to mention any other cities they may travel to. So Let’s discuss Improvisation and how fun it can be when applied to everyday life.

I feel like life is one big improv session!